• Black Box teater
  • Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival
  • 10–19 March 2022
  • 10 days of Live Art experiences
  • Chiara Bersani
  • Seeking Unicorns
  • Thursday 10, 17.00–17.45
  • Friday 11, 17.00–17.45

You aren’t the one interpreting me, 
I’ll show you the way to understand me. 
I take the responsibility to draw 
the image that the world will have of myself.

What happens in collective imagination when a mythological figure emerges without a basic myth that justifies its existence? For centuries, the unicorn has changed its form from a pagan creature to a symbol of the pope, a magical healer and guardian of girls’ chastity, until it eventually became a pop icon. The unicorn, a creature without homeland and history, used and abused by humans, deprived of the right to speak.

In Seeking Unicorns, Chiara Bersani wants to do right by the unicorns’ grief. She will give them love, a story, a choice. Seeking Unicorns is designed for non-theatrical rooms where the unicorn tries to find itself in a new form and embark on a journey that will be different for each spectator.

Chiara Bersani is an Italian choreographer, stage artist and performer. She creates performances where the body is a testimony to lived history. Her works are about the body as a political unit, about clashes and encounters with society. During Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival 2021, you could experience her performative object Fionde, which was delivered to your own home.

Seeking Unicorns is presented in collaboration with Dansens Hus.
Presented in the framework of Aerowaves, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Norwegian premiere.
Duration: 45 minutes


  • Creation, action: Chiara Bersani.
  • Sound design F. De Isabella.
  • Stage manager Paolo Tizianel.
  • Dramaturgical adviser: Luca Poncetta, Gaia Clotilde Chernetih.
  • Moving coach: Marta Ciappina.
  • Artistical adviser: Marco D’Agostin.
  • Styling: Elisa Orlandini.
  • Producer: Eleonora Cavallo.
  • Administrative adviser: Chiara Fava.
  • Diffusion and Communication: GiuliaTraversi, Ph. Roberta Segata.
  • Production: Associazione Culturale Corpoceleste_C.C.00#.
  • Co-production: Santarcangelo Festival, CSC – Centro  per la Scena Contemporanea (Bassano del Grappa).
  • With the support of: Centrale FIES (Dro, Trento), Graner (Barcelona), Carrozzerie | N.o.T. (Roma), CapoTrave/Kilowatt (Sansepolcro). ResiDance XL – luoghi e progetti di residenza per creazioni coreografiche azione della Rete Anticorpi XL – Network Giovane Danza D’autore coordinata da L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino.

    Chiara Bersani: Fionde
    Can a performative art work take place in the intimacy of your home? How can we bring the poetic into instructions that are guiding our lives? 
    In March 2021, for the online and at home edition of Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival, Chiara Bersani created Fionde (Slingshots), a performative art work that was delivered to the spectator by post or could be collected at the theater. While presenting Chiara Bersani´s live performance Seeking Unicorns this year, Fionde is available again.

    Ticket Info:
    The Fionde object can be purchased at our on-site ticket booth in DogA after the performance Seeking Unicorns has taken place.
    Price: Pay what you can (PWYC)